Upcoming Dates

  • November 14
    • Panda Express Dine Out Fundraiser
    • Eileen’s Cookie Fundraiser Order Begins
  • November 15
    • STARS Fundraiser / School & Parish Event
  • November 25
    • ArtFX Store Closes
  • November 27-29
    • NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
  • December 2
    • Eileen’s Cookie Fundraiser Orders Due
  • December 5
    • Christmas Program 6:30 pm
  • December 6
    • Feast of St. Nicholas – Comfy Clothes & Silly Sock Day
  • December 9
    • NO SCHOOL *NEW* – Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Dine Out Night – Panda Express

Join us for lunch OR dinner at our November Dine Out Night at Panda Express!
Show the paper flyer (sent home after school on the 14th) or the digital flyer below OR use code 380318 to order in the app or online pandaexpress.com
Support the St. Patrick HSA with 20% of sales coming back to school!

(click to enlarge)

Eileen’s Colossal Cookies

Cookie Dough Scoop and Bake – Fundraising November 14th – December 2nd.  Cookie Dough sells for $20 / 3 pounds ready to bake dough. St. Patrick School keeps $8 for every tub sold – funds raised will support the Home and School Association.

Cookie Dough options:

  • Chocolate Chip
  • Monster Oatmeal
  • Snickerdoodle
  • M&M
  • Oatmeal Raisin
  • Peanut Butter
  • Sugar

Payment is to be collected at time of order and turned in to the school office no later than Monday December 2nd
Cash/checks accepted—checks should be made out to St. Patrick’s School – please NO VENMO.  If your customer wants to use Venmo – they can Venmo you and you can write a check to the school.
Cookie Dough will be delivered to the school and sent home with your child after school Tuesday December 17th

ArtFX Store – Closes Nov. 25th

The ArtFX Store is open again for logo uniform items.  The store will close Nov. 25th – items will be in before Christmas Break!

Click here to order:  Home | St. Patrick Catholic School (inksoft.com)

With God…We Are Watched Over

God’s angels are always there to help you.  You may not be able to see them, but God promises they are there.  Angels aren’t fairies or make-believe characters.  They are real—as real as you and me and the God we all serve.  It is so comforting knowing they are protecting us!

As we travel through life, God’s angels are there caring for us and protecting us.  They are watching over us always!

Jesus, thank You for sending angels to protect me.  Help me to trust You always.

“He will order his angels to protect and guard you.” – Luke 4:10

(Each week we focus on a reason why WITH GOD nothing shall be impossible!)

Feast of Saint Nicholas

The spirit of St. Nicholas makes a visit to St. Patrick school each Dec. 6th and leaves a treat in student shoes in honor of St. Nicholas’ Feast Day.

Students may wear comfy clothes & fun socks this day as they will be removing their shoes during their morning class.

  • All comfy clothes are allowed – please no shorts or bare shoulders!

(Christmas / Religious socks are encouraged – but not mandatory 🙂

NO SCHOOL – Monday December 9

From Fr. Stoley – Superintendent of the Diocese of Lincoln Schools
Recently, the Bishop communicated to pastors that Monday, December 9th, 2024, will be observed as a Holy Day of Obligation to honor the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.
This recent change came as a response to a question posed by the USCCB to the Holy See earlier this year as to how to observe the feast day (Dec. 8th) falling on a Sunday.
For all catholic schools within the City of Lincoln, there will be NO SCHOOL on Monday December 9th.
Updated School Calendar Here:  Calendar | St Patrick’s Catholic School

Area Events

Thunderbolt Wrestling

If you are looking for great mind and body strength building sport for your son while being a part of a supportive family and faith strengthening club, come try Thunderbolt Wrestling Club.  We will start practices on December 2nd at 6:30 p.m. in the Pius X Wrestling room.  Please see our website for more information http://www.thunderboltwrestling.info or contact us with any questions via email:  Marg Bohy, bohyboyzmom@yahoo.com or Jerry Clinch, jer@bccine.com
Pius X Dance Camp
     (click to enlarge)
Join us for PXDT Kiddie Camp on February 8, 2025! This exciting camp, open to grades PreK-5th, will be held at Pius X High School (6000 A Street, Lincoln, NE). The day kicks off at 9 a.m. and includes dance routines, games, and a performance for parents at noon. Dancers are welcome to come back for a performance at the Pius X Boys Varsity Basketball Game at 4:30 p.m. Registration is $35 for one camper, $25 for a second, and $15 for additional campers. For questions, email Coach Evie at sievertevie@gmail.com. We can’t wait to see all our dancing queens!   Register here:  PXDT Kiddie Camp | Lincoln Pius X Catholic High School

Genesis NO SCHOOL Day Camps
No School Day Camp dates for 2024 with your school this year! We have added extra dates this year to align with days
that Catholic schools in the Lincoln diocese will not be in session. These dates are: October 11, 14, November 1, 27, 29,
and December 23, 24, 26, 27, 30 and 31. Our goal is to support working parents by caring for their kiddos in a safe and
fun environment when school is not in session. Contact Rilyn.Metzler@genesishealthclubs.com to register.

Parish Groups & Events

Please call the rectory for additional details.

  • Legion of Mary – Thursdays at 4:00 p.m.
  • St. Patrick Mom’s Group – Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.
    • Any interested Mom is welcome, and should call Monica Ottinger for details (402-490-5178)
  • Time to Unite and Enlighten meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month, in the social hall at St. Patricks. All are welcome, bring a friend!
    • November – No Meeting

Lunch + Events Menu

Shamrock Basketball

School Messages

Pius X High School Parent Association

Pius X High School Parent Association representative for St. Patrick’s parish is Tracy Wesely. Tracy can help you find answers to Pius X High School -related questions.
She can be reached at 402-466-2752 or Tracy-Wesely@cdolinc.net

Classroom Wishlist

Many teachers have updated their classroom wish lists!  Purchasing an item from the wish list is a great way to say THANK YOU!

Check out all of the lists here:  Teacher Wishlists | St Patrick’s Catholic School (stpatricklincolnschool.com)



What is Scrip? “Scrip” turns everyday shopping into cash for the St. Patrick Church and School. Purchase gift cards at face value in advance to use at checkout, instead of paying with credit, debit card, check or cash.

How Does It Work? Purchase gift cards at face value from local merchants who designate their own discount percentage ranging from 1.5% to 30%. The discount amount translates to profit for the St. Patrick!

  • $50 Marcus Theatres gift card at 8% = $4 St. Patrick profit
  • $100 Walmart gift card at 2.% = $2.50 St. Patrick profit

Purchase SCRIP before shopping by filling out this form and turning it into the parish office or call in your order to the rectory at 402.466.2752 and we can prepare your order ahead for you. SCRIP can  also be purchased at the parish office or after weekend masses.

We’re excited to share that our school is participating in Cash for Classrooms, part of Casey’s Rewards. This opens up St. Patrick School to new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students.
The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you buy from Casey’s and use their rewards program you can simply turn your points into a donation to our school.
Help St. Patrick School make the most of this program and learn more at Caseys.com/schools.

Box Tops are now digital only! You can download the app Box Tops for Education, register and select St Patrick School, and then scan eligible receipts containing Box Tops products. Online retailers that are eligible: Instacart, Jet.com, SamsClub.com, Shipt, Target.com, Target Pick-Up/Drive-Up, Walmart Grocery, Walmart.com.

Traditional Box Tops are being phased out and we are no longer receiving enough to mail in so please direct your efforts towards the digital app. Thank you to everyone who has contributed box tops over the years!

Digital Box Tops FAQ

  1. Where do I go to enter Box Tops digitally? Download the Box Tops for Education App or visit https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more
  2. How long are Box Tops receipts eligible for scanning? Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
  3. What products are eligible?: Download the full list of eligible products here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/en/Participating-Products-Page or just look for the Box Top logo on products you purchase.
  4. Can I still clip and send in physical Box Tops? Unfortunately no, we are no longer receiving enough to make it worth sending in for payment.
  5. What if I shop online? Submit your email receipts to receipts@boxtops4education.com
  6. How do I help earn more? Scroll down to the bonus offers on the Box Tops App to learn how to earn extra.