Upcoming Dates
- December 16
- School Family Meeting – Topic: Bullying and Peer Victimization (details below)
- December 18
- Dine Out Night – Raising Cane’s 5-8 pm
- December 18th
- Pep Rally – SPIRIT Day for Students (Jeans + St. Pat’s Shirt)
- December 19
- Christmas Program (details below)
- December 20
- 1:00 Release – Christmas Break – No Childcare
- December 21-January 3
- NO SCHOOL – Christmas Break – No Childcare
- January 6th
- Classes Resume
Food Market – Tuesday December 17th
Catholic Social Services (CSS) has partnered with the Food Bank of Lincoln to provide healthy choice options for our school families at no cost!
The CSS Food Market will be open from 3:00-4:15 and located in the St. Patrick Church Social Hall.
All families are welcome to walk through the Market selecting items for your family. Fresh fruit, eggs, bread, and more!
School Family Meeting – Bullying and Peer Victimization
Please join us on Monday December 16th at 7 pm. As a part of our continued efforts to assist students and school families to grow in our ability to recognize and control negative feelings and emotions, we are partnering with the UNL School of Psychology to bring their experts in to talk with students, teachers, and school families about bullying and peer victimization. These topics are so important for families and schools to discuss and work together to develop positive solutions both at home and in the classroom. Please send at least one adult from the home if possible – school age students are welcome to attend. Free childcare available.
If you are ready to start learning more about bullying and dominance behavior NOW – check out the video below. It is just under 30 min. and has some great insights from a national speaker who works with families and schools to help students to solve social problems.
Free Video Training Delivery – Jeff Veley – Bullying Prevention Speaker
Teacher Wishlists + Amazon Smile
Please shop through smile.amazon.com this Christmas season and select ‘St Patrick Catholic Church of Lincoln’ as your charity!
Teacher wishlists are here – thank you for your generosity: https://stpatricklincolnschool.com/teacher-wishlists/
Christmas Program
- WHO: All students at Saint Patrick School are preparing musical numbers to perform! All family and friends are welcome to attend.
- WHAT: The Saint Patrick School annual Preschool-8th grade Christmas Program!
- WHERE: In the Saint Patrick School Gymnasium
- WHEN: Thursday, December 19th @ 7:00pm. Doors open at 6:30pm, and students should be released to their homeroom teachers by 6:45pm for attendance and to line up in their program order.
- HOW: All students’ hats, gloves, mittens, and coats should be left with families. Students should plan to wear their “Christmas Mass Clothing” (i.e. dress-code compliant, dressy clothing that would be appropriate for Mass.)
Dine Out – Raising Cane’s
The next dine out night will be at Raising Canes on 2820 Cornhusker Hwy on Wednesday, December 18th from 5 to 8 PM. You MUST mention St. Patrick’s School in order for 15% of the proceeds to come back to the school. Buy Raising Canes scrip cards ahead of time to help raise even more funds! Thanks for your support.
Health Reminders
- Fevers Children should be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Please refrain from giving Tylenol or Motrin and sending your child to school. No matter the illness, keep your child home if they have a fever.
- Vomiting Please ensure that your child is vomit free at least 60 minutes after consuming a meal. With proper care, vomiting usually stops in 6-24 hours.
- Coughing with significant mucous production or difficulty breathing.
- Strep throat or signs concerning for strep throat including fevers, sore throat and headache.
Learn more here: https://www.childrens.com/health-wellness/when-to-keep-kids-home-from-school
Uniform Reminders
First of all thank you – the kids look so sharp every day! The uniform policy is often a blessing and a curse – thank you for your continued efforts in adherence.
I did some looking online and found the following deals to pass along – maybe there will be some better sales over Thanksgiving break?
- Fleece Jackets $7! – CLICK HERE
- Leather Belts $5! – CLICK HERE
- JCPenney has skirts and frequently has sales and coupons
- Skirts + Shorts should be 2″ above the knee at most. Please check your skirts and shorts as there have been quite a few growth spurts this fall! Students are very mobile and active during the day – we want to ensure that the under skirt area is always covered to avoid any embarrassment.
- Boys’ hair must not fall below the eyebrows, over the top of the ears, or past the top of the collar.
- Belts with pants/shorts 3rd – 8th
- Please ensure your child has weather appropriate clothing items. Coats, hoodies, or other non-uniform sweatshirts are not to be worn to mass or in the classroom.
- May be a cardigan sweater, sweatshirt, or fleece (solid color: forest green, black, gray or navy) – no hoods please
- St. Patrick’s sweatshirt or St. Patrick’s fleece jacket (purchased from school order: past or present)
Check out the full dress code here: https://stpatricklincolnschool.com/dress-code/
Uniforms with Logo for Sale
We had 3 extra items after our fall sale. If you are interested – please let the office know. We will remove from here once items are sold.
Black Fleece – Youth M – $27.00SOLD!- Gray Crewneck – Youth S – $18.00
Green Polo – Youth M – $16.00 SOLD!
Cold Weather
St. Patrick school adheres to the school closing policies of the Lincoln Public Schools. The decision to close schools due to inclement weather is typically made before 6:00 a.m., at which time the local radio and television stations are notified. School closing information may be heard on local television channels 8 and 10/11 and AM radio stations KFOR (1240), KLIN (1400), and KLMS (1480). If LPS is closed – we are closed.
Remember that during the cold weather season, students will go outside for recess when the ‘feels like’ temperature is above 15 degrees. Please send warm coats, hats and mittens/gloves to keep them warm.
Students who arrive between 7:40-7:45 will wait outside unless the ‘feels like’ temperature is less than 0. In cases of extreme wind or rain – we will direct the children into the gym entrance. If you prefer that your child not be outside for this 5 minute period – please ensure they are dropped off between 7:45-8:00.
Start your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com – Tap the image above or search for ‘St Patrick Catholic Church of Lincoln’ and a percentage of all of your Amazon purchases will come back to St. Patrick!
Go to the Coca Cola Website, search for St. Patrick School, or type in the zip code 68507, scroll down to the one in Lincoln NE and then enter the Coca Cola product code under the bottle cap on your computer screen or scan it from your phone.
Box Tops are going digital! You can download the app Box Tops for Education, register and select St Patrick School, and then scan eligible receipts containing Box Tops products. Online retailers that are eligible: Instacart, Jet.com, SamsClub.com, Shipt, Target.com, Target Pick-Up/Drive-Up, Walmart Grocery, Walmart.com.
Traditional Box Tops are being phased out and are still eligible to be clipped and dropped off at school until they expire. You can also double dip during this transitional phase by both clipping the Box Tops and scanning the receipts!
(Some brands are not yet participating in the digital program and these will need to be clipped as usual including Hefty, Kleenez, Progresso, Reyolds, Scott, Ziploc and Finish)
Digital Box Tops FAQ
- Where do I go to enter Box Tops digitally? Download the Box Tops for Education App or visit https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more
- How long are Box Tops receipts eligible for scanning? Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
- What products are eligible?: Download the full list of eligible products here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/en/Participating-Products-Page or just look for the Box Top logo on products you purchase.
- Can I still clip and send in physical Box Tops? YES! The physical Box Tops are still eligible to be clipped and sent to the school until they expire. Scan the receipts as well to double dip with those participating products.
- What if I shop online? Submit your email receipts to receipts@boxtops4education.com
- How do I help earn more? Scroll down to the bonus offers on the Box Tops App to learn how to earn extra.
We are excited to tell you that we have started an Ignatius Book Club for our school! Ignatius Book Club is a wonderful Catholic organization that provides thoughtfully selected books and materials from leading publishers that entertain, instruct, and inspire for a variety of reading levels and interests.
Plus, every purchase you make through Ignatius Book Club earns bonus points which can be redeemed for books, religious products, or school supplies for our school!
Click HERE to join and start browsing Ignatius Book Club’s extensive selection of wholesome material
Introducing a mobile-friendly website for Catholic School athletics, www.cysi.org
League Information & Rules, League Policies, Registration & Participation Forms, Mission Statement, Philosophy, Sports Calendar (that is constantly being updated), and much more. In addition to our own league’s information, you will find material on the football and wrestling programs at Pius X High School.
If you have any questions please do not ever hesitate to reach out to our school’s Athletic Director – Mr. Ryan Mackling