Upcoming Dates
- February 14th
- 1:00 Release
- February 16th
- Application Assistance – School Computer Lab – 6:30-7:30
- February 17th
- No School – President’s Day
- February 18th
- Food Market – Social Hall 3:00-4:15
- February 25-27
- Parent Teacher Conferences (sign up links below)
- February 27th
- 1:00 Release
- February 28th
- No School – Conference Comp. Day for Teachers
Enrollment & Scholarship Application Assistance
All families should have received an enrollment letter for the 2020-21 school year. Details below. If you would like help in online enrollment for your new or current student or with applying for scholarships, please join Mrs. Placek and Fr. Schweiger in the school computer lab on Sunday February 16th any time between 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Good Shepherd & Shamrock Fund Scholarships
Deadline March 31st. Apply here: https://online.factsmgt.com/signin/43MX7
Spring Conference Sign Up
We always look forward to this time we get to spend with parents! Please choose a time and plan to join us – families who do not sign up online will be scheduled by the office. Free uniforms available in the atrium during all conferences.
- PreK- 5th Sign Up Links
- Tuesday 4-8 pm https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d4ba5a72ea0f94-tuesday1
- Thursday 1-8 pm https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d4ba5a72ea0f94-thursday2
- Jr. High Sing Up Links
- Tues, Wed, & Thursday https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0d4ba5a72ea0f94-junior
St. Patrick Festival Raffle Tickets
Each family is asked to sell the 5 tickets sent home with students recently. Sold and unsold tickets need to be returned to the school by Thursday, March 12. Unsold tickets will be sold the day of the festival. If you need more raffle tickets to sell, Mrs. Densler has more in the office. This event is a large fundraiser for our church and school and we appreciate your assistance in selling tickets. Don’t forget to write your name on the tickets you sell – if you sell the grand prize winning ticket, which is $2,000, you receive $100! The class that sells the most raffle tickets wins ice cream! Contact Mrs. Neujahr if you have any questions.
St. Patrick Day Carnival
Carnival Donations
The carnival committee would like to ask for your help this year in helping to stock the prize room for the Carnival. We are looking for NEW, UNUSED items that have a value of $1 to $10. Toys, games, hair accessories, nail polish, etc. We can even use boxes of such things like fruit snacks, granola bars, chocolate bars and snacks. We have ages 2-14 so we need a wide variety of items. We will have a box located in both the school office and church social hall for the month of February. Items must be church/kid appropriate, so no toy guns, weapons, etc. We prefer to have multiples of each item if possible, but not necessary. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Hraban at 402-465-0313. Thank you for your support.
Food Market – Tuesday February 18th![](https://stpatricklincolnschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/foodmarket-300x112.png)
Catholic Social Services (CSS) has partnered with the Food Bank of Lincoln to provide healthy choice options for our school families at no cost!
The CSS Food Market will be open from 3:00-4:15 and located in the St. Patrick Church Social Hall.
All families are welcome to walk through the Market selecting items for your family. Fresh fruit, eggs, bread, and more!
Area Events
Lincoln City Libraries and the Wachiska Audubon Society invite families to the free Lincoln Bird EnCOUNTer from 10:30 a.m. to noon, Saturday, February 15, at Walt Branch Library, 6701 S. 14th Street.
Participants will learn about local birds, study live raptors, make a nest feeder, learn to use binoculars, and explore the library’s collection of books about birds and bird watching.
The program is part of the annual Great Backyard Bird Count, a project by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, which enlists citizens worldwide to gather data on wild birds. Bird watchers of all ages are encouraged to count birds February 14 through 17 and report them to Cornell University at gbbc.birdcount.org.
In addition to the Wachiska Audubon Society, the event is supported by Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center, Nebraska Master Naturalist, Fontanelle Forest, and Nebraska Game and Parks.
For information about Lincoln City Libraries and its services, visit lincolnlibraries.org.
FATHER/SON PROGRAM “In His Image” for boys age 10-14 and their father will be held Sunday, March 15th, 2020 from 1:30-4:30 p.m. at John XXIII Diocesan Center. This program is designed to educate boys on growing up and becoming a man. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per father/son or $35 per family. To register, visit https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/fatherson
Questions, please call the NFP Offices 402-473-0630 or email naturalfamilyplanning@cdolinc.net
MOTHER/DAUGHTER PROGRAM “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made” for girls age 9-13 and their mothers will be held Saturday, March 14th, 2020 from 9 a.m. to noon at John XXIII Diocesan Center. This program is designed to educate girls on growing up and becoming a woman. Pre-registration is required. Cost is $25 per mother/daughter or $35 per family. To register, visit https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/motherdaughter. Questions, please call Jen Davis at 402-261-6375 or email jmdavis17@gmail.com
**New!** HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS RETREAT “Strength. Dignity. Fearless.” A day long retreat for high school age girls. Saturday, March 28th from 9-4 with optional introductory session to follow. A collaboration between the Family Life Office and NFP teachers of the diocese, this retreat will cover topics such as body image, modesty, neuroscience of social media and healthy dating. Cost is $40 or $60 with intro session and includes lunch. Register at https://lincolndiocese.regfox.com/hsgirlsretreat. Questions, please call the NFP Offices 402-473-0630 or email naturalfamilyplanning@cdolinc.net
STARS Hockey Reading Challenge
The final game for the Lincoln STARS Hockey Reading Challenge will be April 4 vs. Fargo. New reading logs will go home on Friday.
School Messages
Uniform Orders
Families can now make individual orders for logo polo’s, fleece, and sweatshirts!
Call Tim at ArtFX – (402) 421-2611 and tell him you are with St. Patrick School in Lincoln.
School Closing Information
St. Patrick School follows LPS for school closings due to inclement weather. While it is our practice to send a text alert to all families when schools are closed (texts will come by 6 a.m.) – please defer to the LPS notifications if unsure.
Schools will remain open in inclement weather whenever possible. Parents may decide to keep their children home during inclement weather even if schools have not been closed. Please call the office to let us know if you will be tardy or absent due to inclement weather restricting your travel abilities.
LPS alerts can be found at the following:
- Front page of LPS.ORG
- LPS Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
- Local news media (10/11 News or KLKN Channel 8)
February Lunch + Events
We’re excited to share that our school is participating in Cash for Classrooms, part of Casey’s Rewards. This opens up St. Patrick School to new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students.
The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you buy from Casey’s and use their rewards program you can simply turn your points into a donation to our school.
Help St. Patrick School make the most of this program and learn more at Caseys.com/schools.
Start your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com – Tap the image above or search for ‘St Patrick Catholic Church of Lincoln’ and a percentage of all of your Amazon purchases will come back to St. Patrick!
Go to the Coca Cola Website, search for St. Patrick School, or type in the zip code 68507, scroll down to the one in Lincoln NE and then enter the Coca Cola product code under the bottle cap on your computer screen or scan it from your phone.
Box Tops are going digital! You can download the app Box Tops for Education, register and select St Patrick School, and then scan eligible receipts containing Box Tops products. Online retailers that are eligible: Instacart, Jet.com, SamsClub.com, Shipt, Target.com, Target Pick-Up/Drive-Up, Walmart Grocery, Walmart.com.
Traditional Box Tops are being phased out and are still eligible to be clipped and dropped off at school until they expire. You can also double dip during this transitional phase by both clipping the Box Tops and scanning the receipts!
(Some brands are not yet participating in the digital program and these will need to be clipped as usual including Hefty, Kleenez, Progresso, Reyolds, Scott, Ziploc and Finish)
Digital Box Tops FAQ
- Where do I go to enter Box Tops digitally? Download the Box Tops for Education App or visit https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more
- How long are Box Tops receipts eligible for scanning? Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
- What products are eligible?: Download the full list of eligible products here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/en/Participating-Products-Page or just look for the Box Top logo on products you purchase.
- Can I still clip and send in physical Box Tops? YES! The physical Box Tops are still eligible to be clipped and sent to the school until they expire. Scan the receipts as well to double dip with those participating products.
- What if I shop online? Submit your email receipts to receipts@boxtops4education.com
- How do I help earn more? Scroll down to the bonus offers on the Box Tops App to learn how to earn extra.
We are excited to tell you that we have started an Ignatius Book Club for our school! Ignatius Book Club is a wonderful Catholic organization that provides thoughtfully selected books and materials from leading publishers that entertain, instruct, and inspire for a variety of reading levels and interests.
Plus, every purchase you make through Ignatius Book Club earns bonus points which can be redeemed for books, religious products, or school supplies for our school!
Click HERE to join and start browsing Ignatius Book Club’s extensive selection of wholesome material
What is Scrip? “Scrip” turns everyday shopping into cash for the St. Patrick Church and School. Purchase gift cards at face value in advance to use at checkout, instead of paying with credit, debit card, check or cash.
How Does It Work? Purchase gift cards at face value from local merchants who designate their own discount percentage ranging from 1.5% to 30%. The discount amount translates to profit for the St. Patrick!
- $50 Raising Canes gift card at 30% = $15.00 St. Patrick profit
- $50 Marcus Theatres gift card at 8% = $4 St. Patrick profit
- $100 Walmart gift card at 2.% = $2.50 St. Patrick profit
Click here for the SCRIP order form. SCRIP can be purchased at the parish office or after weekend masses.
Introducing a mobile-friendly website for Catholic School athletics, www.cysi.org
League Information & Rules, League Policies, Registration & Participation Forms, Mission Statement, Philosophy, Sports Calendar (that is constantly being updated), and much more. In addition to our own league’s information, you will find material on the football and wrestling programs at Pius X High School.
If you have any questions please do not ever hesitate to reach out to our school’s Athletic Director – Mr. Ryan Mackling