Upcoming Dates
- October 9, 12, 13
- NO SCHOOL (no childcare)
- October 14
- Picture Retakes
- Last Day to Wear Shorts
- October 15
- Students are to wear pants or skirts/jumpers need to be work with leggings until March 15th
- October 20
- Food Market
Photo Retakes – Wed Oct. 14
Students may wear a non-uniform top or dress for the photo. Please send uniform clothing for them to change into after retakes. Thank you!
Bottled Water Donations
Mrs. Placek will have a cart out at drop-off in the mornings next week for donations of bottled water for the students. With the water fountains closed, we want to ensure each child has access to water throughout the day if needed. Thank you for your generosity!
Health Update
In recent communication from the health department it was shared that schools are among the SAFEST places to be with LOW transmission rates of COVID and any other germs or viruses. What we are doing IS working. Keep up the good work! May God continue to bless us for our efforts and sacrifice!
Box Top Deadline
Box top deadline is Friday, October 23rd. Turn in your physical box tops to school by October 23rd so that they can be processed in time for the fall payment deadline.
Digital box tops can be processed on the app at any time! Just scan your grocery receipts on the box tops for education app. If you haven’t used the app yet it’s quick and easy to download, register and select St. Patrick’s school. Then every time you shop, scan receipts for Box Top products. For digital receipts such as from Walmart grocery pick up, simply forward the receipt email to receipts@boxtops4education.com.
Calendar Change
Bishop Conley has extended a day off of school to students and teachers in appreciation for all of their efforts in starting the school year so strong amid all of the unknowns and difficulties in starting school during a pandemic! St. Patrick has chosen Friday Nov. 20th as it is the day of the STARS event as our day off. Previously this day was scheduled as a 1:00 release. We hope that the students and teachers can take this day to relax and enjoy the fruits of their efforts this fall!
Important Lunch Program Update
Attention St. Patrick School Families!!!
Due to the pandemic, the USDA is federally funding lunch at NO CHARGE to all students until the funding is exhausted. ALL St. Patrick’s students in K-8 grade will be offered lunch at no charge. The program began September 1, 2020 and will run through December 18,2020. A la carte items including milk and second entrees will be available to purchase with monies in the students meal account. St. Patrick School will communicate when the Federal program is coming to an end for families to plan accordingly. All meals that were purchased/charged (reduced or paid) from September 1 through September 23 will be credited to the students account.
Please Contact Aubrey Lee at 402-466-3710 with questions or concerns.
FREE Kinsa Thermometer for St. Patrick Families
All families are eligible to receive a free thermometer to use in your home – follow the direction on the flyer below to request your free thermometer! Click photo to enlarge – English and Espanol
CK Sisters Outdoor Fall Workday
CK Sisters Outdoor Fall Workday – Sat., Oct. 24, 1:30-4:30 p.m. We will be planting shrubs and trees, cleaning up our vegetable garden and cutting trees. Helpful items to bring include shovels, gloves, pickups and chainsaws. Please bring masks for work in proximity to others. Children are also welcome! Mark your calendars now and contact Sister Mary Angela at sr.mary-angela@cdolinc.net if you would like to come and help. Villa Regina Motherhouse, 4100 SW 56th St., about 2 miles west and south of Pioneers Park. (Walk-ins also welcome.) Click picture to enlarge…
Father / Daughter Retreat
Marian Sisters – Saturday Oct 17. – click flyer to enlarge
School Messages
Uniform Orders
Families can now make individual orders for logo polo’s, fleece, and sweatshirts!
Call Tim at ArtFX – (402) 421-2611 and tell him you are with St. Patrick School in Lincoln.
We’re excited to share that our school is participating in Cash for Classrooms, part of Casey’s Rewards. This opens up St. Patrick School to new funding opportunities to help improve learning environments for students.
The best part? Donations don’t come out of your own pocket. When you buy from Casey’s and use their rewards program you can simply turn your points into a donation to our school.
Help St. Patrick School make the most of this program and learn more at Caseys.com/schools.
Start your Amazon shopping at smile.amazon.com – Tap the image above or search for ‘St Patrick Catholic Church of Lincoln’ and a percentage of all of your Amazon purchases will come back to St. Patrick!
Go to the Coca Cola Website, search for St. Patrick School, or type in the zip code 68507, scroll down to the one in Lincoln NE and then enter the Coca Cola product code under the bottle cap on your computer screen or scan it from your phone.
Box Tops are going digital! You can download the app Box Tops for Education, register and select St Patrick School, and then scan eligible receipts containing Box Tops products. Online retailers that are eligible: Instacart, Jet.com, SamsClub.com, Shipt, Target.com, Target Pick-Up/Drive-Up, Walmart Grocery, Walmart.com.
Traditional Box Tops are being phased out and are still eligible to be clipped and dropped off at school until they expire. You can also double dip during this transitional phase by both clipping the Box Tops and scanning the receipts!
(Some brands are not yet participating in the digital program and these will need to be clipped as usual including Hefty, Kleenez, Progresso, Reyolds, Scott, Ziploc and Finish)
Digital Box Tops FAQ
- Where do I go to enter Box Tops digitally? Download the Box Tops for Education App or visit https://www.boxtops4education.com/ to learn more
- How long are Box Tops receipts eligible for scanning? Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
- What products are eligible?: Download the full list of eligible products here: https://www.boxtops4education.com/en/Participating-Products-Page or just look for the Box Top logo on products you purchase.
- Can I still clip and send in physical Box Tops? YES! The physical Box Tops are still eligible to be clipped and sent to the school until they expire. Scan the receipts as well to double dip with those participating products.
- What if I shop online? Submit your email receipts to receipts@boxtops4education.com
- How do I help earn more? Scroll down to the bonus offers on the Box Tops App to learn how to earn extra.
We are excited to tell you that we have started an Ignatius Book Club for our school! Ignatius Book Club is a wonderful Catholic organization that provides thoughtfully selected books and materials from leading publishers that entertain, instruct, and inspire for a variety of reading levels and interests.
Plus, every purchase you make through Ignatius Book Club earns bonus points which can be redeemed for books, religious products, or school supplies for our school!
Click HERE to join and start browsing Ignatius Book Club’s extensive selection of wholesome material
What is Scrip? “Scrip” turns everyday shopping into cash for the St. Patrick Church and School. Purchase gift cards at face value in advance to use at checkout, instead of paying with credit, debit card, check or cash.
How Does It Work? Purchase gift cards at face value from local merchants who designate their own discount percentage ranging from 1.5% to 30%. The discount amount translates to profit for the St. Patrick!
- $50 Raising Canes gift card at 30% = $15.00 St. Patrick profit
- $50 Marcus Theatres gift card at 8% = $4 St. Patrick profit
- $100 Walmart gift card at 2.% = $2.50 St. Patrick profit
Click here for the SCRIP order form. SCRIP can be purchased at the parish office or after weekend masses.
Introducing a mobile-friendly website for Catholic School athletics, www.cysi.org
League Information & Rules, League Policies, Registration & Participation Forms, Mission Statement, Philosophy, Sports Calendar (that is constantly being updated), and much more. In addition to our own league’s information, you will find material on the football and wrestling programs at Pius X High School.
If you have any questions please do not ever hesitate to reach out to our school’s Athletic Director – Mr. Ryan Mackling