All families are asked to complete this quick survey to help us serve you better – thank you!
Upcoming Dates
- Monday November 11th
- Veterans Day Assembly + Reception – 2:30 pm all veterans welcome
- Friday November 15th
- S.T.A.R.S. Parish Event – YES we have school
- November 27 – 29 – NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
- Monday November 11th
Veterans Day Assembly
St Patrick Catholic School and The Msgr. David Hintz Knights of Columbus Council invite any St. Patrick School Family Veterans to an all-school assembly November 11, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. Cake and cookies will be served for all veterans and their families immediately following the assembly.
ANY veteran that is related to a St. Patrick student as a friend or family member is welcome. Veterans may check in at the school office beginning at 2:15 and proceed to the gym. Veterans will meet up with their St. Patrick student after the assembly at the reception. Students who join a veteran at the assembly will be dismissed from the gym or sent to extended care at 3:30.
Picture Retakes
The retake proofs went home this week please have you orders in by Friday November 15th
Any picture orders received Friday after 3:30 will need to be sent directly to the company and charges a $10 late fee.
Toys for Tots
Family Request forms with all details will be sent home tomorrow. Request forms are to be completed and returned to LPS District Office by Monday November 25th.
Tootsie Roll Sales
St. Patrick School Families have the opportunity to sell Tootsie Rolls for the annual Knights of Columbus fundraiser. The money raised goes to individuals with special needs and Villa Marie School.
If your family would like to participate, please return the the letter that will come home tomorrow, along with $25.00/box requested by Friday November 22nd. You may then sell the Tootise Rolls at your convenience.
Shoes for Kids
Due to a communication error – the benefactor is not able to fulfill all of the requests for shoes. Please accept our sincere apologies. If you are in need of shoes for your child and are unable to provide them, please contact the school office.
Safeguard our Children’s Future – S.T.A.R.S.
Friday November 15th, 2019.
- 5:30 Social Hour & Silent Auction
- 7:00 Dinner
- 8:00 Live Auction
If you did not receive your invite to the St. Patrick S.T.A.R.S Dinner + Auction – please contact the parish office at: 402-466-2752
Uniforms with Logo for Sale
We had 3 extra items after our fall sale. If you are interested – please let the office know. We will remove from here once items are sold.
Black Fleece – Youth M – $27.00SOLD!- Gray Crewneck – Youth S – $18.00
- Green Polo – Youth M – $16.00
Cold Weather
St. Patrick school adheres to the school closing policies of the Lincoln Public Schools. The decision to close schools due to inclement weather is typically made before 6:00 a.m., at which time the local radio and television stations are notified. School closing information may be heard on local television channels 8 and 10/11 and AM radio stations KFOR (1240), KLIN (1400), and KLMS (1480). If LPS is closed – we are closed.
Remember that during the cold weather season, students will go outside for recess when the ‘feels like’ temperature is above 15 degrees. Please send warm coats, hats and mittens/gloves to keep them warm.
Boys Basketball
Start your Amazon shopping at – Tap the image above or search for ‘St Patrick Catholic Church of Lincoln’ and a percentage of all of your Amazon purchases will come back to St. Patrick!
Go to the Coca Cola Website, search for St. Patrick School, or type in the zip code 68507, scroll down to the one in Lincoln NE and then enter the Coca Cola product code under the bottle cap on your computer screen or scan it from your phone.
Box Tops are going digital! You can download the app Box Tops for Education, register and select St Patrick School, and then scan eligible receipts containing Box Tops products. Online retailers that are eligible: Instacart,,, Shipt,, Target Pick-Up/Drive-Up, Walmart Grocery,
Traditional Box Tops are being phased out and are still eligible to be clipped and dropped off at school until they expire. You can also double dip during this transitional phase by both clipping the Box Tops and scanning the receipts!
(Some brands are not yet participating in the digital program and these will need to be clipped as usual including Hefty, Kleenez, Progresso, Reyolds, Scott, Ziploc and Finish)
Digital Box Tops FAQ
- Where do I go to enter Box Tops digitally? Download the Box Tops for Education App or visit to learn more
- How long are Box Tops receipts eligible for scanning? Scan your receipts within 14 days of purchase.
- What products are eligible?: Download the full list of eligible products here: or just look for the Box Top logo on products you purchase.
- Can I still clip and send in physical Box Tops? YES! The physical Box Tops are still eligible to be clipped and sent to the school until they expire. Scan the receipts as well to double dip with those participating products.
- What if I shop online? Submit your email receipts to
- How do I help earn more? Scroll down to the bonus offers on the Box Tops App to learn how to earn extra.
We are excited to tell you that we have started an Ignatius Book Club for our school! Ignatius Book Club is a wonderful Catholic organization that provides thoughtfully selected books and materials from leading publishers that entertain, instruct, and inspire for a variety of reading levels and interests.
Plus, every purchase you make through Ignatius Book Club earns bonus points which can be redeemed for books, religious products, or school supplies for our school!
Click HERE to join and start browsing Ignatius Book Club’s extensive selection of wholesome material
Introducing a mobile-friendly website for Catholic School athletics,
League Information & Rules, League Policies, Registration & Participation Forms, Mission Statement, Philosophy, Sports Calendar (that is constantly being updated), and much more. In addition to our own league’s information, you will find material on the football and wrestling programs at Pius X High School.
If you have any questions please do not ever hesitate to reach out to our school’s Athletic Director – Mr. Ryan Mackling