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Junior High Policy & Procedures
Discipline and Conduct
An effective system of discipline allows teachers, students, staff, and administration to work together in a positive environment so learning can take place. All members of the school community should be respectful, courteous, and should reflect our Catholic values and virtues. Each member of the school community is expected to follow these guidelines. It is understood that individual classroom teachers may have differing classroom rules and expectations. Students are expected to adhere to the expectations outlined by their teachers as well as the school-wide expectations listed below.
Basic Rules:
-Students will show respect for people in authority, and follow their directions immediately.
-Student will show respect for fellow students, school property, and their property.
-No students may have in his/her possession, on or near school property, any item that may potentially be dangerous.
-Students will use appropriate language in accordance with Catholic morals and values.
-Students are expected to play safely, be kind to others, and keep hands and feet to themselves.
-Students may NOT throw snowballs, or chew gum.
Violations of any of the above rules or classroom rules will result in consequences which may include but are not limited to: detention, loss of privileges, a telephone call home, missed recess time, staying after school, or restitution for damages. If necessary, a student will receive an in or out of school suspension or expulsion.
Junior high Policy (6, 7, and 8th grade): At St. Patrick’s School we want to help middle school students develop skills in successful study habits, disciple, responsibility, and appropriate behavior to help them prepare to be successful now and in high school. Students who do not follow expectations set forth for their behavior and academic work may receive demerits/ detentions any time they are on school property. Demerits are given for the following reasons: incomplete/ late homework; offensive language; having gum, food or candy; talking out of turn; excessive talking; disrespect; other. Demerits are given at the teacher’s discretion. If a circumstance warrants, an automatic detention or another consequence may be given. Once a student receives five demerits, a detention will be given.